Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ten Catholic Tweets

These are ten tweets about Catholicism that I've recently tweeted. Trying to communicate Catholic truth in 140 characters or less is a real challenge - because you can't give context. It's easy to be misunderstood, especially since we live in a culture where people have been trained to practically try  to be offended, and to seek out points to disagree with, or to be upset that what you said could  possibly be misconstrued.

That said, I tried anyways. What do you think?

1. Receiving the Holy Eucharist is the most intimate experience imaginable.

2. Disobedient Catholics presenting themselves for Communion is much like unfaithful spouses expecting sex at home. Intimacy without fidelity.

3. Catholics don't have open communion for many of the same reasons that I do not have an open marriage. No intimacy without total commitment.

4. Bringing a disobedient heart to Holy Communion is like bringing a mistress to your wife's bed.

5. Communion means "with union." Sounds pretty intimate to me.

6. You can receive Holy Communion without faith; you can also have sex without love: however, I don't recommend either.

7. Catholics receiving Communion outside of the Catholic Church is like kissing your wife's picture while she's waiting for you at home. Reality trumps symbols.

8. The typical Evangelical understanding of salvation is like having a wedding; the Catholic understanding is more like having a marriage.

9. Baptism is like getting married: you can never undo it; tho you can renounce it; also, it initiates a lifetime of deepening a relationship.

10. So in Catholicism, baptism is like the wedding but salvation is like the marriage; it is an initiation into a new life united to another.


C said...

I just love these! You have a real knack of putting thoughts together.

Thomas Fuller said...

I'm glad you liked them Cat!